You can also search for planning applications, decisions, site histories and appeals via Bristol City Council public Access website
From Minutes of 3 December 2013Where marked *** CHIS has commented but ### indicates a letter of approval
12/00445/RL 1-3 Alma Vale Road
Renewal of extant listed building consent (08/04456/LA) - refurbishment of existing listed garage to create commercial space. Pending decision***. 13/01335/F & 01387/LA - Clifton College
Removal of former cricket nets, erection of replacement cricket net cages and new security fencing and laying out of replacement surfacing. Pending consideration13/01432/F - Pooles Wharf Court, Hotwells
Change of use of vacant land to 3 parking spaces, for use by surrounding residential and commercial. Pending consideration*** 13/02422/F - 5 Belgrave Road
Proposed first floor extension over ground floor flat. Pending consideration.13/02707/H, 13/02708/LC - 3 Park Place
Extension of an existing building for continued use as a dwelling. Existing first floor accommodation slightly enlarged, front gable height raised. Construction of new first floor terrace. Alteration to existing vehicle entrance to accommodate modern car. New window openings at ground and first floor levels. Repair and reconstruction of parts of the existing fabric where required. Pending decision*** 13/03257/F The Grapes, 2 Sion Place
Change of use of existing public house (Use Class A4) to form 2 no. three and four bedroom dwellings, to include the erection of a mansard roof, with external works (use Class C3). Condition application decided*** 13/03514/X - Grove House, Pembroke Grove
Variation of condition attached to planning permission 11/04923/F to allow opening hours of the premises between 07.00 - 21.00 Monday to Friday, 08.00 - 20.00 on Saturdays and 09.00 - 18.00 on Sundays. Pending decision*** 13/03214/LA - Litfield House, 1 Litfield Place
Replacement of existing signboard installation of new nameplates to gateposts at exit and entrance gates. Pending consideration13/03215/A - Litfield House, 1 Litfield Place
V shaped sign post to replace existing main signage and new name plates to be mounted on gateposts. Pending consideration13/03670/F & 03671/LA - Chatford House, Clifton Down
Internal alterations to room layouts and to provide bathroom and glass balustrade to flat roof balcony at rear. Granted***13/03601/G & 03602/LA - 18-20 Regent Street
Change of use from Retail to Restaurant and associated works including replacement shop front. Pending decision13/03553/H & 03554/LA - 1 Worcester Terrace
Addition of railings to front courtyard wall and lighting to front door. Modifications to central roof and addition of lantern and internal alterations to void in top floor landing. Pending consideration13/03848/F - Senate House, Tyndall Avenue
External re-landscaping works and demolition of existing tarmac path areas, re-grading and laying of new paved and resin bonded paths. Creation of new stepped and accessible ramped path access routes of the Woodland Road boundary and associated retaining wall structures. Soft landscaping works along the Woodland Road boundary and within the site along the Tyndall Avenue and St Michael's Park elevation. General soft landscaping works around the site. Erection of Corten feature retaining wall structures within the site. Pending decision*** 13/04132/F & 04133/LA - St Angela's, 4-5 Litfield Place
Conversion and alteration of Grade II listed former Care Home to accommodate 8 residential apartments. Granted13/04355/F & 04356/LC - Bristol Zoo Gardens
Erection of extension to the Conservation Education Centre, including removal of the existing portacabins and toilet block, plus associated works in order to facilitate the provision of a lecture theatre, library and teaching facilities. Pending consideration*** 13/04567/F - 41 Canynge Road
Erection of new three bedroom dwelling. Demolition of double garage, greenhouse, garden shed and re-building of boundary wall with Litfield Road and Percival Road to incorporate wall of dwelling. Re-location of garden gate on Percival Road .Pending consideration***13/02764/H & 04476/LA - 2 Sion Lane
Installation of eight photo-voltaic panels on the front (south facing) elevation. Refused*** 13/0451/F - 151 Hotwell Road
Demolition of existing derelict façade and building shell. Redevelopment of site to include 7 affordable dwellings and ancillary carparking. Pending decision13/04728/F & 04729/LA - The Blue House, Clifton Down
Relocation of rear access, demolition of boundary/garden walls, erection of new boundary/garden walls and rear entrance gates, removal and replacement of specimen tree. Pending consideration13/04468/F - 33 The Mall
Proposed change of use of retail unit into a private tattoo studio. Application cancelled*** 13/04936/F - Linden Gate, Clifton Down Road
Application for the continuation of the existing office use, retention of internal alteration and the provision of new hard surfaced parking area to front. Pending consideration*** 13/051 34/F & 05238/LA - 11 Windsor Terrace
Demolish existing masonry wall and build two storey extension to rear of property. Pending considerationCAP had no comment about the principle of the proposed extension but considered that dressed ashlar was inappropriate on the rear annexe of a painted stucco building.
13/05085/H - 4 Camp Road
Demolition of existing rear conservatory and construction of new single storey rear extension to existing footprint. First floor extension to existing side extensions. Replacement windows, doors and application of external insulation and render. Granted***13/05263/F - 58 Royal York Crescent
Extension and external alterations to form a duplex. Demolition of mansard roof to allow for the construction of the two storey duplex and associated other external alterations. Granted CAP had no objection to the change of use. The majority of the Panel had no objection to the change of the roof profile. The Panel repeated its comments made on the previous application. The fenestration should be improved. Sash windows should be introduced on the upper floors. The ground floor glazing must be reassessed and improved. The glazing detail represented the greatest alteration that would be seen from the public realm.***13/04189/F, 13/04190/LA 62 Queens Road
Change of use of basement, ground floor and mezzanine levels from Use Class A1 to Use Class A3 restaurant, new air extract duct to rear elevation, condenser units to rear elevation courtyard, internal alterations including new staircase to basement, enlarged structural opening, fixed seating and kitchen. Refused by Development Committee.NEW ITEMS
13/O5328/LA - Clifton Bank, Clifton Down
Alterations at basement level to incorporate a swimming pool, reworking of an existing terrace at ground floor with a new door opening and altered window, new bathrooms internally, new internal openings at ground floor between hall/dining/kitchenCAP welcomed the return to residential use of this house and the conservation gains that the restoration would bring. A full audit of architectural fabric must be provided to appreciate the impact of the proposed changes. The Panel was concerned about the removal of the large quantity of heritage fabric in particular the walls at lower ground floor level, at ground floor level between the dining room and hall and dining room and kitchen, and at second floor level between the bedroom and dressing room. The Panel was concerned that the loss of this fabric would harm the appreciation and understanding of the interior spaces. The proposed semi-circular staircase at the rear corner of the house leading to a terrace would obstruct and harm the appreciation of the functionality of the porte cochère. Details of joinery must be a condition.
*** 13/05386/A - New Heights, Clifton Pavilion, 85 Queen's Road
2 fascia signs to replace the existing signage on the front projecting Bathstone faced canopy and 1 side elevation (west) sign mounted below the existing Nuffield sign. All signs to be fixed with hidden screws into wall.*** 13/05332/H - 5 Royal Park Mews
Two storey side extension***13/05326/F - Clifton High School
Replacement windows round 2 storeys of the main building west end, and one window at top of the school green building east end.*** 13/05146/F - 3 & 4 Prince's Buildings
Retention of detached garden cabin***13/05575/F - 3 & 4 Princes Buildings
Retention of existing oak cabin for mixed purposes ancillary to the main residential to the main residential use and for holiday rental*** 13/05696/F - 99 Queen's Road
Substantial demolition of existing building*** 13/05499/P - 99 Queen's Road
Outline planning application for substantial demolition of existing building and the erection of two storey building comprising ground floor café, 1 2 bed apartment and one three bed apartment with retention of shop front and terrazzo forecourt. Access, appearance, layout and scale to be considered.*** 13/04643/F - First floor flat, 58 Oakfield Road
Replacement of windows with PVC-U windows by Anglian Home improvement13/05527/H & 05528/LA - The Blue House, Clifton Down
Demolition of existing garages and erection of new domestic double garage with ancillary accommodation over.Nothing further (except an invasion by Gromits!) on:
:13/00337/PREAPP, Beacon House, Queen's Road
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