Clifton and Hotwells
Improvement Society (CHIS)

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Gill Blakeman
You can also search for planning applications, decisions, site histories and appeals via Bristol City Council public Access website


Where marked *** CHIS has commented but ### indicates a letter of approval From Minutes of 2 June 2015

*** 14/02483/F & 02484/LA - Litfield House Medical Centre

Removal of existing undercroft and planting area above to create new vehicle access to site from Camp Hill Road for new staff parking. Pending consideration - appeal in progress

*** 14/05835/X - The Royal Oak, 50 The Mall

Application to vary Condition s 2 (sound insulation) to allow the scheme to be submitted and considered post commencement, also 3 (drawing of shop front) and 9 (listing approved plans) to allow the as built drawings to be considered- relating to permission 14/03433/F. Pending consideration

15/00251/F & 00252/LA - 19 Berkeley Square

Change of use from offices to serviced apartments. Refurbishment of Listed Building and addition of services. Granted

15/00931/F - Christchurch Church of England Vc Primary School, Royal Park

Installation of games court lighting within the school grounds. Granted

14/05706/H - 18 & 19 Mortimer Road

Retrospective consent for the removal of 4 chimney stacks. Pending consideration

15/01121/F - Clifton Down Station, Whiteladies Road

Proposed conversion of the nightclub on the first floor and erection of second floor extension to provide 14 no 1, 2 , 2 and 4-bedroom residential units (Class C3); new entrance to residential and commercial floor space; changes to the appearance of the existing ground floor retail units; refuse/recycling space provision and associated works . (Major) Pending decision

*** 15/00858/F - 140A Whiteladies Road

Proposed first floor extension to existing building to provide 2 cluster flats of accommodation (Use Class C4) and 2 studio flats. Pending consideration - 61 letters of objection with just 2 in support

*** Pre Application - Somerset House, Canynge Road

CAP considered the existing building to be an anomaly in this location and does not fit the urban grain. The setting of the surrounding listed buildings such as Canynge Square must be carefully considered.

The effect of shadows on adjoining buildings must be examined. The lost trees must be replaced in accordance with the Bristol Tree Replacement Standard.

The Panel would prefer a high quality contemporary design for the terrace of houses as opposed to a pastiche design.

The block of flats to the rear is overbearing and dominant. It is too high, will adversely impact on levels of natural light and cast shadows over and impact on the privacy of the properties on Canynge Square and Clifton Park Road.

The detailed application must include views from the surrounding area including Canynge Square.

Pegasus have now submitted the planning application (in spite of our protest that the only prior meeting took place with neighbours, who were formally invited, which is not the same as a public consultation.) See below.

*** 15/01702/F - Somerset House, 18 Canynge Road

Demolition 3 storey office block. Erection of 8 residential dwellings intwo separate blocks, with proposed hard and soft landscaping and works to London Plane tree. Withdrawn

*** 15/01128/F - Land between Ladies Mile and Clifton Down Bridge Valley Road

Proposed pedestrian/cycle bridge over Bridge Valley Road. Withdrawn

15/01892/COND & 01934/COND - 106 Whiteladies Road

Application to approve details in relation to Condition nos 2 (Pre commencement Condition s) of planning permission number 14/02394F & 02395/LA - top floor (2nd level) Change of Use from A2 offices to C3 flats and conversion of roof space into residential use creating in total 4 new self contained flats (2x2 bedroom flats bedroom and 2x1 bedroom flats). Alteration to windows, new dormer window and roof lights. Internal alterations. Condition application decided

15/0197/LA 01596/F - 17 Richmond Hill

Replacement conservatory to rear, replacement front door, garden office and associated repair and internal works. Granted

*** 15/01968/H & 01969/LA - 8 Buckingham Vale

Demolition of pre-fab garage/store, partial re-building of boundary walls, construction of a studio/potting shed, and alterations to north boundary wall. Granted

*** 15/01796/H - 7 Christchurch Road

Erection of enlargement to ground floor rear extension, and creation of off road parking to the front of the property. Granted

*** 15/00499/F - Summer Court, Upper Byron Place

Replacement of existing windows with new UPVC. Withdrawn

15/01388/H & 01394/LA - 1 Richmond Hill

Replace portico at front entrance Granted

15/01978/F & 01979/LA - 2 Worcester Terrace

Proposal to construct garden pavilion as carport in rear garden. Pending consideration

*** 14/04776/F & 15/02406/LA - 7a Richmond Hill

Internal and external alteration in connection with the use of the coach house as single dwelling house. Refused

15/02403/F & 02404/LA - 30 Whiteladies Road

Proposed change of use of ground-second floors to 7 residential units with associated external alterations. Pending consideration (CAP objected)

15/02433/LA- Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Jacob's Wells Road

External stone cleaning to the rubble and ashlar work of the main range of the Grade II listed buildings. Pending decision

***15/01636/H - 6 Christchurch Road

Enlargement of dropped kerb to front including demolition of existing boundary wall. Enlargement of rear conservatory, conversion of pergola to balcony. Granted, except for demolition of boundary wall


15/02537/LA - 44 Whiteladies Road (site of cinema)

Alterations & extension to allow partial conversion of existing building to form 5 additional flats & alterations & improvements to existing flat & 3 screen cinema including a new disabled access door & lift for cinema

CAP welcomed & supported this proposal and thought the scheme a sensitive adaptation of the building.

15/02803/COND & 02520/COND - 44 Whiteladies Road (site of cinema)

To approve details in relation to sundry Condition s of permission re 14/00640 & 00639/F.

15/02534/F - Emmaus House, Clifton Hill

C/U from a sui-generis use incorporating permanent residential accommodation & a retreat & conference centre to two separate planning units incorporating a single dwelling house & a house in multiple occupation.

*** 15/02647/F - 37 Upper Belgrave Road

C/U of dwelling to additional townhouse accommodation (use class C1: Hotels) & dwelling & formation of lower ground floor opening.

15/02349/F - Guthrie Road Lodge Bristol Zoological Gardens, College Road

C/U of the first floor of the lodge building from staff accommodation to visitor accommodation.

*** 15/01789/LA - Polygon Cottage, North Green Street

Proposed solar panels on the rear facing roof

15/02496/F - Queen's Building, University Walk

Construction of a new extension to the south of west wing of the Queen's building to provide laboratory & teaching space on the basement & ground floor levels with three floors of offices above. Provision of new pedestrian access from Woodland Road and associated landscape & cycle parking (major application).

CAP considered that whilst numerous accretions are appearing on this building which could undermine its architectural value, the positive impact that humanising the scale of this part of Woodland Road will generate is appreciated. There is a need for further archaeological understanding of the site. There is reference to a report, but this doesn't appear to have been submitted with the application.

*** 15/02258/F & 02259/LA - 1 Berkeley Crescent

C/U of lower ground floor from retail residential flat

15/02259/LA - 1 Berkeley Crescent

Re-arrangement of the existing residential accommodation of the top 4 floors, C/U of lower ground floor from A3 to C3 residential

CAP welcomed the conversion back to full residential use and the commercial use of the basement. The Panel supported the application.

*** 15/02747/F - 70 Pembroke Road

Construction of means of access - widening of gateway with dropped kerb and parking for two cars. (2 objections and 10 in support) 15/02745/F - Trinmore, Clifton Down Revised application for planning permission & Conservation Area Consent for the erection of 1 two bedroom mews dwelling with retention of parking for three cars following demolition of existing garages (revision of app ref: 13//03788/F).

15/02738/F - 11-13 Queen's Road

C/U from a retail unit (Use Class A1) to café or restaurant (Use Class A3)

15/03055/F - Ambrose Villas, Ambrose Road

Demolition of existing garage and adjoining wall and construction of a single dwelling

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