Clifton and Hotwells
Improvement Society (CHIS)

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Gill Blakeman
You can also search for planning applications, decisions, site histories and appeals via Bristol City Council public Access website


From Minutes of 4 February 2014
Where marked *** CHIS has commented but ### indicates a letter of approval

12/00445/RL 1-3 Alma Vale Road

Renewal of extant listed building consent (08/04456/LA) - refurbishment of existing listed garage to create commercial space. Pending decision

***. 13/01335/F & 01387/LA - Clifton College

Removal of former cricket nets, erection of replacement cricket net cages and new security fencing and laying out of replacement surfacing. Pending consideration

13/01432/F - Pooles Wharf Court, Hotwells

Change of use of vacant land to 3 parking spaces, for use by surrounding residential and commercial. Pending consideration

*** 13/03514/X - Grove House, Pembroke Grove

Variation of condition attached to planning permission 11/04923/F to allow opening hours of the premises between 07.00 - 21.00 Monday to Friday, 08.00 - 20.00 on Saturdays and 09.00 - 18.00 on Sundays. Pending decision

*** 13/03214/LA - Litfield House, 1 Litfield Place

Replacement of existing signboard installation of new nameplates to gateposts at exit and entrance gates. Pending consideration

13/03215/A - Litfield House, 1 Litfield Place

V shaped sign post to replace existing main signage and new name plates to be mounted on gateposts. Pending consideration

13/03553/H & 03554/LA - 1 Worcester Terrace

Addition of railings to front courtyard wall and lighting to front door. Modifications to central roof and addition of lantern and internal alterations to void in top floor landing. Pending consideration

13/03848/F - Senate House, Tyndall Avenue

External re-landscaping works and demolition of existing tarmac path areas, re-grading and laying of new paved and resin bonded paths. Creation of new stepped and accessible ramped path access routes of the Woodland Road boundary and associated retaining wall structures. Soft landscaping works along the Woodland Road boundary and within the site along the Tyndall Avenue and St Michael's Park elevation. General soft landscaping works around the site. Erection of Corten feature retaining wall structures within the site. Pending decision

*** 13/04728/F & 04729/LA - The Blue House, Clifton Down

Relocation of rear access, demolition of boundary/garden walls, erection of new boundary/garden walls and rear entrance gates, removal and replacement of specimen tree. Granted

*** 13/04936/F - Linden Gate, Clifton Down Road

Application for the continuation of the existing office use, retention of internal alteration and the provision of new hard surfaced parking area to front. Pending consideration

*** 13/051 34/F & 05238/LA - 11 Windsor Terrace

Demolish existing masonry wall and build two storey extension to rear of property. Pending consideration

*** 13/05332/H - 5 Royal Park Mews

Two storey side extension. Pending consideration

***13/05326/F - Clifton High School

Replacement windows round 2 storeys of the main building west end, and one window at top of the school green building east end. Pending consideration

*** 13/05146/F - 3 & 4 Prince's Buildings

Retention of detached garden cabin. Granted

13/05575/F - 3 & 4 Princes Buildings

Retention of existing oak cabin for mixed purposes ancillary to the main residential to the main residential use and for holiday rental. Refused

*** 13/05696/F - 99 Queen's Road

Substantial demolition of existing building. Granted

*** 13/05499/P - 99 Queen's Road

Outline planning application for substantial demolition of existing building and the erection of two storey building comprising ground floor café, 1 2 bed apartment and one three bed apartment with retention of shop front and terrazzo forecourt. Access, appearance, layout and scale to be considered. Granted CAP accepted the principle of development on this site. The existing building was an unlisted building of merit. The inlaid pattern in the forecourt, the Art Deco façade and also the virtually intact interior Deco features mean that it was 'handsome and perfect example of its period) (Civic Society 1972). The building had been in continuous retailuse from its construction in 1924 for a costumier.

The Panel considered whether the revisions overcame previous concerns:

Height/scale/bulk -now acceptable.

Impact on adjacent listed building - the development would not harm it or its setting.

Impact on merit of Art Deco façade -the development would not harm the façade.

*** 13/05527/H & 05528/LA - The Blue House, Clifton Down

Demolition of existing garages and erection of new domestic double garage with ancillary accommodation over. Pending consideration

*** 13/05864/F - Former Maskrey's Store, 62-66 Whiteladies Road

Change of use (with conversion of upper floors and a rear extension) from retail to student accommodation (sui generis) comprising 62 bed spaces within 60 individual studio flats and 1 2bed flat (61 units); associated external refurbishment works: refuse, recycling and cycle storage facilities; retention of ground floor units (Use Classes A1 and A4) units with modified entrance fo the student accommodation. Pending consideration

14/00113/SCR - Car Park Area, rear of Clifton Down Shopping Centre Adjacent to 79 Alma Vale Road

Request for a screening opinion as to whether an environmental impact assessment is required for134 units of accommodation. EIA not required

13/05659/H - The Coach House, Downfield Road

Proposed extension and studio in garden. Application withdrawn


*** 14/002990/H & 00300/LA - 6 Clifton Wood Terrace

Change of external material from cement to lime render on wall and concrete roof to clay pan tiles on roof. Two new windows and replacement of existing casement windows with double glazed windows to match detail of existing. New decorative canopy and new entrance porch at ground floor. Alterations of existing garage/workshop and boundary wall railings and hard standing. Minor alteration internally at ground and second floor.

14/00415/F - Clifton Heights, Triangle West

Proposed tower and podium facade re-cladding

14/00408/LA - Ground Floor Flat, 5 Gloucester Row

Replacement of wood sash window with double glazed upvc sash window on ground floor flat rear lounge

14/00637/F & 14/00638/LA - Top Floor Flat, 4 Chesterfield Buildings, Westbourne Place

Replace windows in top floor flat with smart systems evolution windows

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