You can also search for planning applications, decisions, site histories and appeals via Bristol City Council public Access website
From Minutes of 3 February 2015Where marked *** CHIS has commented but ### indicates a letter of approval
*** 14/02483/F & 02484/LA - Litfield House Medical Centre
Removal of existing undercroft and planting area above to create new vehicle access to site from Camp Hill Road for new staff parking. Pending consideration14/04204/F - 62-66 Whiteladies Road
Change of use of ground floor from retail (Use Class A1) to café (Use Class A3). Granted*** 14/05069/F - 5 Maggs House, 78 Queen's Road
Change of use of ground floor unit from A1 (retail) to A3 (restaurant) Granted (Committee decision)*** 14/04500/F - 2-16 Clifton Down Road
Demolition of existing building and redevelopment of site comprising retail floor space (A1 and A3). 14 residential apartments (C3) and ancillary uses. (Major application). Pending consideration14/05448/COND - 98 Whiteladies Road
Approval of details reserved by condition Nos 2 (Noise Assessment) and 3 (Energy Statement) for planning permission 13/05289/F - change of use of first to third floors to sui generis cluster flats for students with associated refuse and cycle storage. Granted14/05413/F & 05414/LA - Beacon House, Queen's Road
Change of use of the basement, ground and first floors of Beacon House to provide 2544m of education study space (D1) and a 140m café (A3), the enlargement of existing windows, the installation of plant equipment, the erection of a new boundary fence and gate and associated works. Granted14/05623/COND - Mortimer House Nursing Home, Clifton Down Road
Approval of details reserved by condition No 8 (Landscaping Scheme) for planning permission 12/00052/F - Residential conversion of existing Grade II* listed property to incorporate 6 houses with associated car parking and landscape works. Granted14/05688/LA - St Angela's, 4-5 Litfield Place
Alterations to the Garden Level Vaults to form individual lock-up spaces for the apartments, modification to the layout and detailed design of staircase within apartment 2, modification of the detailed design of the wrought iron grating and proposed railings to the front façade light well, modify second floor modern windows to form balcony access (Apartment 6), amendment to en suite layout to Apartment 6, rearrange proposed new bathroom to Apartment 6 to form study space area, modify rear garden layout to incorporate existing wall breach, rationalise approved window replacement strategy to front façade and stone cleaning and masonry paint finish to render work. Pending consideration14/05835/X - The Royal Oak, 50 The Mall
Application to vary conditions 2 (sound installation) to allow the scheme to be submitted and considered post commencement, also 3 (drawing of shop front) and 9 (listing approved plans) to allow the as built drawings to be considered- relating to permission 14/03433/F. Pending consideration14/05728/COND - 151 Hotwell Road
Approval of details reserved by condition nos 4 part 10 (Environmental Management Plan) 9 (Further Details) 10 (Sample Panels) 13 Flood Design 19 (Solar Panels) and 26 (Bird and Bat Boxes) of planning permission 13/04051/F for demolition of existing derelict façade and building shell. Redevelopment of site to include 7 affordable dwellings and ancillary car parking. Pending consideration14/05621/F - Bristol Grammar School
The refurbishment of the existing Elton Road block and new build auditorium to provide a Performing Arts Centre (Use Class D1) with associated facilities and works. (Major application) Pending consideration
14/05790/F - Rear of 64/66 Oakfield Road
Construction of a two-storey 8-bedroom coach house to the rear of 64-66 Oakfield Road. Pending consideration
14/05889/F - Clifton Cathedral Church, Clifton Park
Complete re-roofing of the Cathedral … Installation of a new glazed enclosure to stair turret and new access door to terrace. Granted
14/05929/F - Garages at junction of Wetherell Place & Frederick Place
Demolition of all existing garage structures on the site and the erection of dwelling. Pending consideration
14/06282/F - Clifton Down Shopping Centre
Proposed change of use of level 7 from roof area to car parking . Granted
15/00203/COND - 1-3 Alma Vale Road
Application to approve detail in relation to condition 2 (Land affected by Contamination) 3 (Remediation Scheme) and 4 (Unexpected Contamination) of permission 14/02630/F Proposed conversion of car showroom ancillary workshop to a Use Class C3 dwelling along with associated external alterations. Pending consideration
15/00085/NMA - The First House, Kensington Place
Application for non-material amendment in relation to application 13/01376/H - Remodelling existing dwelling to include basement and rear extension - now proposed re-alignment of 3 storey element of the consented scheme to ensure it is completely within the boundary. Agreed
15/00511/F - 24 Hurle Crescent
Partial removal of low boundary wall, levelling grass area, laying permeable block paving. New metal railings. Resurfacing tarmac path and storage area for recycle waste bins. To allow off street parking and enhancing the appearance of the property.
14/05481/F - 10 Miles Road
Widen entrance to driveway. Take back concrete cupboards in line with the house. Rebuild timber garage. Build retaining stone wall at edge of front path.
14/06255/F & 06256/LA - The Eldon House, 6 Lower Clifton Hill
Alterations to private dwelling above the Eldon Public House, 6 Lower Clifton Hill.
CAP is concerned that the lounge may be converted into bedroom which is not indicated.
15/00251/F & 00252/LA - 19 Berkeley Square
Change of use from offices to serviced apartments. Refurbishment of Listed Building and addition of services.
CAP welcomed this change of use and restoration of the building as service apartments and is looking forward to the results of further investigation of the fabric.
15/00422/F - 1 Hurle Road
Change of use from C3 (dwelling house) to C4 (House in multiple occupation - HMO)
15/00442/COU - Harold Hockey Limited, 170-174 Whiteladies Road
Prior approval for the proposed change of use of first, second and attic floors of 172 Whiteladies Road from a retail within Use Class A1 to residential accommodation falling within Use Class C3 (dwelling house)
15/00476/F & 00477/LA - Basement Flat, 5 Pembroke Road
Single-storey rear extension to basement flat.
15/00677/H - 7 Royal York Crescent
Erection of detched two storey building.
15/00766/F & 00767/LA - 6 Sion Hill
Demolition of the existing modern,south-facing extension at the rear of the existing dwelling house at 6 Sion Hill and erection of a new, highly glazed garden room in its place.
15/00453/CP - 37B Apsley Road
Certificate of Lawfulness - proposed vehicular hardstandingin front garden, removal of part of plinth wall approximately 300mm and railing approximately 1400mm facing side lane.
15/00547/LA - 53 Apsley Road
Install white pvcu lean to and associated building works to the existing extension to the rear.
Pre Application - Somerset House, Canynge Road
CAP considered the existing building to be an anomaly in this location and does not fit the urban grain. The setting of the surrounding listed buildings such as Canynge Square must be carefully considered.
15/00203/COND - 1-3 Alma Vale Road
Application to approve detail in relation to condition 2 (Land affected by Contamination) 3 (Remediation Scheme) and 4 (Unexpected Contamination) of permission 14/02630/F Proposed conversion of car showroom ancillary workshop to a Use Class C3 dwelling along with associated external alterations. Pending consideration 15/00085/NMA - The First House, Kensington PlaceThe effect of shadows on adjoining buildings must be examined. The lost trees must be replaced in accordance with the Bristol Tree Replacement Standard.
The Panel would prefer a high quality contemporary design for the terrace of houses as opposed to a pastiche design.
The block of flats to the rear is overbearing and dominant. It is too high, will adversely impact on levels of natural light and cast shadows over and impact on the privacy of the properties on Canynge Square and Clifton Park Road.
The detailed application must include views from the surrounding area including Canynge Square.
Useful websites
- Going to Bristol on find details of any local planning application
- Search for planning applications, decisions, site histories and appeals, make online comments via Bristol City Council public Access website