You can also search for planning applications, decisions, site histories and appeals via Bristol City Council public Access website
Where marked *** CHIS has commented but ### indicates a letter of approval From Minutes of 4 August 2015*** 14/02483/F & 02484/LA - Litfield House Medical Centre
Removal of existing undercroft and planting area above to create new vehicle access to site from Camp Hill Road for new staff parking. Pending consideration - appeal in progress for non determination - appeal dismissed.15/01121/F - Clifton Down Station, Whiteladies Road
Proposed conversion of the nightclub on the first floor and erection of second floor extension to provide 14 no 1, 2 , 2 and 4-bedroom residential units (Class C3); new entrance to residential and commercial floor space; changes to the appearance of the existing ground floor retail units; refuse/recycling space provision and associated works . (Major) Pending decision*** 15/00858/F - 140A Whiteladies Road
Proposed first floor extension to existing building to provide 2 cluster flats of accommodation (Use Class C4) and 2 studio flats. 61 letters of objection with just 2 in support. Officers are satisfied that the proposal would be acceptable in respect of mix and balanced housing supply.Went to Committee on 5 August where there was some sympathy for the public's views but Bristol was a University City and students were important to the economy and they needed to live somewhere. The Chair understood the residents' frustration but could only take into account material considerations. Resolved that planning permission be granted subject to conditions set out in report. 8 for, 1 against and 2 abstentions.
15/02803/COND & 02520/COND - 44 Whiteladies Road (site of cinema)
To approve details in relation to sundry conditions of permission re 14/00640 & 00639/F. Pending consideration15/02496/F - Queen's Building, University Walk
Construction of a new extension to the south of west wing of the Queen's building to provide laboratory & teaching space on the basement & ground floor levels with three floors of offices above. Provision of new pedestrian access from Woodland Road and associated landscape & cycle parking (major application). Pending considerationCAP considered that whilst numerous accretions are appearing on this building which could undermine its architectural value, the positive impact that humanising the scale of this part of Woodland Road will generate is appreciated. There is a need for further archaeological understanding of the site. There is reference to a report, but this doesn't appear to have been submitted with the application.
*** 15/02258/F & 02259/LA - 1 Berkeley Crescent
C/U of lower ground floor from retail residential flat. Pending consideration15/02259/LA - 1 Berkeley Crescent
Re-arrangement of the existing residential accommodation of the top 4 floors, C/U of lower ground floor from A3 to C3 residential. Pending considerationCAP welcomed the conversion back to full residential use and the commercial use of the basement. The Panel supported the application.
15/02745/F - Trinmore, Clifton Down
Revised application for planning permission & Conservation Area Consent for the erection of 1 two bedroom mews dwelling with retention of parking for three cars following demolition of existing garages (revision of app ref: 13//03788/F). Pending consideration15/02738/F - 11-13 Queen's Road
C/U from a retail unit (Use Class A1) to café or restaurant (Use Class A3) Pending consideration
15/03055/F - Ambrose Villas, Ambrose Road
Demolition of existing garage and adjoining wall, construction of a single dwelling. Pending consideration
15/02444/F - 78 Princess Victoria Street
Proposed change of use from office to residential including erection of ground floor extension and first floor bay extension. Granted
15/03371 - 4 Hanbury Road
Window replacement works (Slimlite double glazed white timber sliding sash & double glazed UPVC casement)
Pending decision
15/03327/H - 95a Pembroke Road
Proposed two storey extension to the east elevation & new raised roof to create second floor level (scant details)
Pending consideration
15/03374/H - 25 Upper Belgrave Road
Demolish existing 2 storey rear extension & the tiered shredding at basement level and proposed erection of a 3 storey rear extension. Pending consideration
15/03522/H & 03523/LA - 33 Canynge Square
External car port building at rear of garden, external staircase & railings to garden, increase in height of party wall with neighbouring building, solar panel installation & various repair works to roofs & internal modifications to ground floor study room. Pending consideration
***15/03584/H - 1 Princes Buildings
Install areas of decking & steps. Construct timber garden shed with sedum roof & erect timber fencing to enclose a currently unfenced area at bottom of garden. Pending consideration (20 letters of objection)
15/03184/CP - 16 Cornwallis Avenue
Application for a lawful Development Certificate for proposed replacement of all existing wooden window frames by uPVC windows of a similar appearance. Pending consideration
15/03011/LA - Stuart House, Royal Fort Road
Minor alterations and refurbishment of Stuart House (the Vice Chancellor's residence). Granted
CAP noted the list of planning applications from '85 to '94 and the statement that the extension had been built in the 1990's - in that case it had been built without planning permission.
15/03722/LA - 9 Carters Buildings, Portland Street
Single storey extension. Removal of external walls to create a more open plan living arrangement.15/03997/F - Telecommunications Mast, Queen's Road
Installation of 6 replacement panel antennas & 3 dish antennas mounted on replacement freestanding supporting steelwork with additional ancillary apparatus.15/04031/COND - The Cathedral Apartments, Park Place
Application to approve details in relation to condition 2 (land affected by contamination) of 12/00602/X Variation of Condition 29 (approved plans/documents) attached to planning permission 10/03405 - conversion and re-use of the Narthax for 5 studio rooms of student accommodation (Use Class Sui Generis) & commercial office floor space comprising the management & security suite, conversion & re-use of the Pro Cathedral with limited demolition & erection of new buildings and one town house to provide 228 rooms comprising a mix of studio & en-suite cluster rooms together with a warden's flat for student accommodation, provision of 6 car parking spaces, 130 cycles parking spaces, plantrooms, landscaping & communal facilities with amendments to the internal layout & minor alterations. (Major application)15/03992/CPLB - 8-10 Berkeley Square
Commemorative plaque to be affixed to front of building. CHIS plaque! Lawful decision15/04027/F - 27 All Saints Road
Proposed 3 storey building with basement to accommodate 4 self-contained flats & associated works to existing building including demolition of existing side extension.15/04153/F- GFF 65 Alma Road
Rear single storey extension.
Useful websites
- Going to Bristol on find details of any local planning application
- Search for planning applications, decisions, site histories and appeals, make online comments via Bristol City Council public Access website