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PLANNING STATISTICS for the year to 30 September 2004

Planning Applications for Clifton & Hotwells: 2003/4 2002/03
Advertising Signs (Shops, Pubs, etc) 27 30
Full Planning, Listed Building 304 293
As above but renewal of time limit 2 1
Deletion of Condition 7 15
Certificate of Lawfulness 3 3
Trees 223 223
Letters to Planning Department 36 37
Letters to Planning Inspectorate re Appeals - 2
Letters to Individuals - 3
Statements to the Planning Committee - 1
Notifications to members where applicable 66 57
Telephone calls and emails to individuals and Planning Department too many to record!

Big Oppositions

Michael Woodman Smith gave a PowerPoint illustrated architectural analysis and history of the local Conservation Area to the local residents regarding the proposals to build a block of flats on the carpark at 29 Sion Hill. The application was eventually withdrawn.

He also presented an extensive technical case with visual aids, to show the defects of the scheme for the Stopping-Up Order for Suspension Bridge Road at the public enquiry in May;
prepared a critique on the proposed development by Edward Ware on the Clifton College Squash Courts and Rifle Range and together with Anne Hancock,
liased with the Civic Society in fighting the plans to demolish McArthur’s Warehouse and develop this important site behind the ss Great Britain.

Maggie Shapland, Julia Killingback, Brian Worthington and Julie Faulkner also gave presentations at the Suspension Bridge Road public enquiry.

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