RoseMary Musgrave
It has been a relatively quiet year. Two significant extensions of hours were applied for in the Whiteladies Road area.
Both withdrew when opposed by local residents' associations (including CHIS).
The same did not apply to Bentley in Princess Victoria Street.
They now can stay open until 22.00 instead of 20.00. It was previously termed an 'Art gallery with a cafe'. It is now virtually a restaurant.
The planning application to build an extension to the rear of the Rodney Hotel was refused. This would have led from the bar and almost certainly a licensing application
would have followed.
The Police contacted CHIS because they are considering putting forward central Clifton to be a Cumulative Impact Area. This would be of benefit to residents and current
licence holders. It would make it difficult to obtain a new licence or to significantly extend a current one
My thanks again go to Bob Chambers of the St John's Road Association and to Roger Mortimer of Redland & Cotham Amenity Society for wisdom, cooperation and help.
Remember that if you are troubled by late night noise, music or anything else coming from a licensed premise,
it most important to keep a diary of this so that any complaint has a reliable, factual, back up.
It also has to be borne in mind that some premises have a condition that they can hold 12 events
each year which can go on later in the night than normal and that this might be a reason for a later than usual