Clifton and Hotwells
Improvement Society (CHIS)

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Gill Blakeman
There have been two innovations in Planning this year. The weekly planning applications for BS8 published on the CHIS website now have the added facility of being linked to the City Council's public access ( access), which enables the full details and drawings of the individual applications to be available to members.
Developers are being encouraged to present their plans to local amenity societies before they are registered with the Council. This has enabled members of the Planning Group to be involved in discussion re proposed developments on The monitoring of applications to turn front gardens into parking areas continues. It is now illegal to do so without going through planning, as the habit is a major cause of flooding, which is becoming a regular feature of some sites in Clifton where the old storm drains become overloaded, and all surfaces must now be permeable. They are also a cause of further losses of biodiversity.
Thank you to all the members who have drawn our attention to alterations, new developments, etc and especially those who take the trouble to write to the Planning Department and send us a copy of their letters and emails. It is so important that if there is a planning proposal that affects you or your neighbourhood, that you write to Brunei House expressing your views.
Major applications in which CHIS has been involved:
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