Clifton and Hotwells
Improvement Society (CHIS)

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Usage Statistics for

August 2006 to August 2007
Maggie Shapland
usage for August 2006-7

Month Daily Avg Month
  Hits Files Pages Visits Sites Most popular - hits (last year)
Jul 2007 649 504 216 153 2962 Streetscape 504(railway)
Jun 2007 704 500 251 182 3200 Streetscape 596(railway)
May 2007 760 614 235 156 3456 Streetscape 670(railway)
Apr 2007 696 546 226 144 2975 Streetscape 595(railway)
Mar 2007 650 494 213 130 2721 Streetscape 461(planning)
Feb 2007 654 510 186 119 2477 Streetscape 274 (planning)
Jan 2007 625 481 189 131 2582 Web stats 272(web stats)
Dec 2006 507 379 158 101 2030 Streetscape 377(railway)
Nov 2006 528 433 166 102 2160 Streetscape 360(planning)
Oct 2006 509 403 163 88 1844 Planning 151(streetscape)
Sep 2006 515 405 155 89 1768 Planning 109(railway)
Aug 2006 444 342 144 82 1800 Railway 146(noise)
Average 603 468 192 123 2498  

Usage has continued to go up steadily and has increased by 50% over the year. Even Christmas Day had 206 hits on the site. There are currently 50 word documents, 118 web pages and 400 images so my trusty camera has been very productive. We now have to pay £25 per year (it was £9.99) to host the site since we are no longer just a small web presence.

All the sections are looked at every month. This year streetscape has been the most popular section, whereas last year Clifton Rocks Railway topped the charts (this year it tends to be in second place, and the monthly photos of progress are very popular). The weekly planning lists for BS8 which we started to put up this year have also been very popular with an average of 30 hits each month for individual files.

Most people still find the CHIS site by searching for specific topics, committee members, streets, plaque information or pictures, and the topics looked for are as varied as ever and one can tell what is causing concern each month. This can lead to me putting up more information. I give a few examples of each below.

This site is for the community so I would welcome any feedback on what has been done so far, and what you would like to see.