Web Statistics for www.cliftonhotwells.org.uk August 2012- Aug 2013
Maggie Shapland, Webmaster
Usage reached a record 1506 hits per day in August.
Average usage was 1154 hits a day. The site has grown considerably this year, and a small group has been set up to modernise the structure and methodology of the site.
I have also added pages for the Brunel Swivel Bridge progress, Neighbourhood Partnership and some BS8 maps. I have tried to put pictures on each page and show positive outcomes where possible. The parking page unsurprisingly was the most popular between April and July. There are 1619 files (649 added last year). 986 images (486 added last year); 192 word documents (down 2); 287 web pages (up 51). Streetscape was the most popular section this year until residential parking became the hot issue