Clifton and Hotwells
Improvement Society (CHIS)

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Waste Disposal 2012-13

Sharon Baker
This year has been a mixed bag of successes and failures. The change to May Gurney has only be partially successful as some areas are very dissatisfied with the quality of the collection service.

Most complaints are about waste left on the streets after the collection and this has still to be resolved.

Commercial waste bins in Clifton Village seem to be reproducing at a huge rate which ruins the environment for the shopper and visitors to the area and clutters the street scene. BID Clifton has made the disposal of commercial waste one of their priorities and so we wait to see the outcome of their endeavours.

On a positive note, the village businesses have all noted that the presence of a regular street cleaner, Martin, certainly makes the village noticeably cleaner.

When the communal recycling point in Richmond Terrace was completed it was supposed to provide a template for future communal recycling points around Clifton. This seems to have been completely forgotten and we are still putting up with mess in Oakfield Road and Alma Vale Road.

There has been little movement to embrace some of the measures undertaken by other European countries where the recycling is stored below ground.

On a positive note the proposed trial of Gull proof bags on West Mall and Caledonia place is underway and we await the results.

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