Clifton and Hotwells
Improvement Society (CHIS)

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christchurch steeplejack
Steeple Jacks up Christchurch tower
Clifton Rocks (Balloons framed by the new overthrow of Clifton Rocks Railway)



Welcome to the Clifton and Hotwells Improvement Society website.
This site contains information about this Bristol society, what it is involved in, details of its events and information about all that we care about in Clifton and Hotwells.
If you need our help, or want to help us, please join our Society.

Founded in 1968, over 45 years old and still much to do!

join How to join: Membership Form. more Read more about CHIS

The society's main aims are:

Latest Items of Interest

5 August 2015: A New website-
CHIS Events
Now held in THE APOSTLE ROOM of the CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL PEMBROKE ROAD 20:000 unless stated otherwise.

  • Tuesday 20 October 8pm Read about the latest details about the CHIS AGM event. This is followed by a talk and demonstration by Alistair Park who carved the oak bench in the children's playground near the Suspension Bridge

CHIS plaques This year CHIS has put up plaques to

  • 7th February: C. R. Burch scientist and engineer whose inventions were vital to vacuum technology
  • 9th May: Dorothy Brown, the indefatigable campaigner at 6 Buckingham Vale who died in 2013
  • 8 August Charles Richardson, the eminent engineer who was born 200 years ago and who lived in 10 Berkeley Square
This year CHIS are still hoping to be putting up plaques to
  • 3 Dec: James Johnson (l764-l844), famous fossil collector who lived at 12 Dowry Parade
  • Saturday 21st May 2016: Eveline Dew Blacker (architect) at 20 Victoria  Square – 60th anniversary of her death.
In addition a Merit Award (to acknowledge buildings and restoration works of distinction) were put up on
  • 7 March : 1, The Avenue.
  • 29th July: Merit Award ceremony. The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bristol, Professor Sir Eric Thomas, will unveil (or dedicate) the merit plaque for the Life Sciences Building and gardens.

On 19th June a magnificent carved oak bench was put up at the newly refurbished children's playground near the Suspension Bridge.

Dorothy Brown Charles Richardson
Dorothy Brown Charles Richardson
playground bench
Latest News and more events
Newsletter chairmans report
  • 4 March 2015: There will be a 12 week public consultation starting on 4th March until June 30th to consider the future of Clifton and Redland library (and five others). The CHIS committee are putting serious consideration into the consultation. More details.
  • 11 January 2016 7pm-8:30pm Clifton Neighbourhood Forum, Clifton High School, College Road.
Planning (holds advice) scaffolding
Photo by Brian Joseph, Princess Victoria St. What a way to be woken up!
This is what happens when scaffolding is not tied and a strong wind catches it.
Licensing The Petrol Station in Hotwell Road has re-applied for a licence to sell alcohol over the counter round the clock 24 hours seven days per week. 6th November 2015
Residential Parking Scheme The Clifton Village (CV) RPS started operating on Monday 16 March 2015. Details and maps of the parking arrangements in CV RPS are available at the following link - How the scheme works in the Clifton Village (CV) area

Monday 28 Sept 2015 7pm: At the Clifton and Clifton East Neighbourhood Forum at Clifton High School, you will be able to find out more about the review
Oct 2015: Every household and business will be invited to participate in the six month review, but the Council RPZ team are always ready to listen to feedback outside review periods and monitor problems with the scheme. They are particularly interested in what you think about operating hours, location of different kinds of permit, anomolies.

parking protest tank

Entrance Pillar knocked down leading to grade II* Buckingham Place More details

Cobblestone Mews
Bristol Water and Rossco Civil Engineering make a good job of relaying the cobbles in this wonderful street after major roadworks.

Repaired listed lamp post at the bottom of Sion Hill returned 5 years after being knocked down (insurance wrangles)

Buckingham Place
Caledonia Place

Brunel Swivel Bridge
Brunel's Other Bridge
Read the latest. See the new signs to promote it.
CHIS and BIAS have each bought a 50 ton jack to lift it. CHIS contributed £1,000 to the project.

Read the latest, find out next open days at Clifton Rocks Railway. We are celebrating 10 years this year from when we first started work in February 2005.
7 January 2015: New overthrow delivered.

St Andrews Churchyard work party Sunday 1 november 10-3 2015

Brunel Swivel Bridge

Clifton Rocks Railway

St Andrews
advertising: Includes planning applications A boards
Nature, Landscape and Environment
  • May 2014: New Downs Playground equipment erected, after consultation and planning applications in 2013. In June 2015 the CHIS seat arrived, and will be dedicated in due course.
  • 4 Dec 2013: Plans are afoot to create a Clifton Tree Trail
Victoria Square
Refuse, Pollution and noise in Clifton

Latest news on refuse issues

14-15 December 2013: George Ferguson, Bristol’s Mayor is launching a new campaign to highlight the cost of litter and to encourage people to dispose of their rubbish responsibly.

Dec 2013: Smokers Litter Initiative

domestic bins
Photographs of how bins affect streetscape
Security in Clifton The Police have noticed there seems to be a small increase in Theft of Motor Vehicle from both Clifton beats. Please keep your eyes out for any “dodgy” people or tow trucks. Call 101 non-emergency or 999 if you believe a crime is being committed. Or email the beat team if it is just for their information.


Clifton East-


Sitemap also helps you navigate around the site and shows you at a glance how much we do, and how frequently we update our information. It helps you find the latest updates.

Any comments about any of these pages to They will be archived and will still be easily accessible in the future.
The current one, widely frequented over the years, is to be the Archive Site website. This will allow anyone to look at what CHIS has done over the past twenty years in the interest of the area. It is an interesting record of the varied concerns that have arisen during this time, a sociological record of an inner city suburb.
(Quoted from the August 2015 Newsletter chairmans report)

A New Website

5 August 2015: For some considerable time we have been working on a new website for CHIS.

While the current website, which has been maintained by Maggie Shapland single-handedly for many years, contains much useful information, we recognized the need for several improvements:

We would be very pleased if you were to review the new website:

All comments — on style, content, and anything else — are welcome at this stage. Please direct them all to:

Switch over to the new site 1 November 2015.

best regards,

The CHIS Website Committee

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