Clifton and Hotwells
Improvement Society (CHIS)

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Chairmans Report for year ending 31 August 13

Brian Worthington Chairman

Accounts of the full range of activities can be found in the regular Newsletter or at the CHIS Website:

The range of achievements by the Committee and members is outlined in this Annual Report. Government initiatives to extend residents' engagement with local decision-making, notably the Localism Act, and the Neighbourhood Partnership scheme, are laudable yet demand a high price in time and effort from amenity volunteers.

Membership recruitment continues steadily, helped by the Publicity Group's ideas, including the development of relations with business communities.

Frequent requests for our opinion from broadcasting, newspaper and magazine media (recently Clifton Matters) about local issues show that we maintain our reputation as one of the most effective local residents' organizations.

We have made donations to a variety of projects they include the Clifton Village improvement scheme; the West Bristol Arts Trail; the Brunel Swivel Bridge; the Georgian Group; Christmas lights; a legal challenge to the building in the Gorge below Prince's Lane; the double-sided "Stoneleigh" bench to be at the Clifton Downs playground below the Observatory; the sponsored traffic island flowers near the Victoria Rooms; two trees planted on Christchurch Green by the zebra crossing; and herb tubs and window boxes at Clifton Library.

The monthly series of Talks and Visits has been eclectic, widely based and popular, ranging from Anatomy and the Supernatural to Textiles and notable gardens. The principle is that topics relate to local matters or are delivered by local experts in a particular field of study.

We revived rge garden competition, which was entitled 'On the street where you live'.

We continue to improve communication by adding e-mail addresses to our membership list.

My thanks to all those members who have helped CHIS maintain its standing over the past year.

We all look forward to another year of achievement and challenge, not least the impact of the coming Residents' Parking Scheme.

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