Clifton and Hotwells
Improvement Society (CHIS)

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CHIS Streetscape- Advertising Policy

Maggie Shapland
Streetscape- the term which describes all that one sees in a street in addition to buildings, such as pavements, street furniture, traffic and other signs. Whereas attention is often paid to preserving buildings, especially in Conservation Areas, the streetscape is often overwhelmed by unecessary clutter and poor workmanship. This page identifies the policy.

The council's advertisement control powers are only exercisable in the interests of amenity and, where applicable, public safety. It is these material considerations, rather than commercial need or advantage, which must be decisive in the determination of any advertisement application. Advertisements should not obstruct visibility, interfere with the interpretation of road signs or traffic signals, or distract the attention of drivers.

Advert examples and planning applications.

Because it is against the law to display advertising which do not fall under the permitted classes of 2007 regulations without planning permission, enforcement is taken very seriously. The Council rely on the public to inform them of illegal advertising (, or the fly posting page on the Council website).

Contact the planning department, tel: 0117 922 3000. By appointment to Brunel House St George's Road Bristol BS1 5UY. Planning application numbers for permission for advertising have suffix /A.

planning application search
How to look to see if a banner has permission, and examples of applications

Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisement) 2007 Regulations

permits notices or signs which relate to: This supercedes PPG19 (Outdoor Advertisement Control March 1992) Advertisements Which Need Specific Permission

PAN8 Bristol Shopfront Guidelines

O b j e c t i v e Shop signs or projecting signs should be of a suitable size, use appropriate methods of illumination and be located within the traditional fascia area. Advertising should be restricted to that necessary to identify the name and service of the shop and should be sensitively integrated into the overall shopfront design.

New fascia boards should not project beyond the original facade. Modern factory produced fascias of plastic, acrylic or similar materials, often internally illuminated, are out of place on buildings of traditional design. These fascias will only usually be acceptable on modern buildings. Here they must be appropriately integrated into the overall shopfront design, and of an appropriate size.

Projecting signs are acceptable if they are of the traditional hanging style with a modern design and meet the following criteria.

Vehicle Advertising

National Planning Policy Framework

Considers cumulative impact.

Bristol Policy

April 2013: In terms of powers to control advertisements, these are set out in the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) England) Regulations 2007. The regulations define control specifically in terms of amenity and public safety. Whilst it is possible to have regard to development plan policies in making decisions on advertisements, they cannot alone be decisive.

The policies in the Core Strategy and Site Allocations and Development Management Policies provide a very clear framework which can be taken into account in informing judgements about the amenity and safety impacts of advertisements. In particular, Core Strategy Policy BCS21 Quality Urban Design sets the tone by requiring new development to deliver high quality urban design and to contribute positively to an area's character and identity. Development Management Policies DM26 Local Character and Distinctiveness and DM29 Design of New Buildings and Core Strategy Policy BCS23 Pollution (which deals with light pollution) would also be particularly relevant.

The powers in the regulations (and the content of the development plan policies) allow factors such as the illumination of signs to be taken into account in assessing amenity and safety considerations. In that respect, they are able to respond to changing technology.

Taken together, the planning department would consider that the powers in the regulations, the Core Strategy and development plan policies, and the role of designations such as conservation areas, provide reasonably robust safeguards against harmful impacts of outdoor advertisements.

Bristol City Council has more details on the planning page.

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