Clifton and Hotwells
Improvement Society (CHIS)

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Gill Blakeman
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From Minutes of 5 Aug 2014
Where marked *** CHIS has commented but ### indicates a letter of approval

***. 13/01335/F & 01387/LA - Clifton College

Removal of former cricket nets, erection of replacement cricket net cages and new security fencing and laying out of replacement surfacing. Pending consideration (will be a Committee decision)

13/03848/F - Senate House, Tyndall Avenue

External re-landscaping works and demolition of existing tarmac path areas, re-grading and laying of new paved and resin bonded paths. Creation of new stepped and accessible ramped path access routes of the Woodland Road boundary and associated retaining wall structures. Soft landscaping works along the Woodland Road boundary and within the site along the Tyndall Avenue and St Michael's Park elevation. General soft landscaping works around the site. Erection of Corten feature retaining wall structures within the site. Pending decision

*** 14/00415/F - Clifton Heights, Triangle West

Proposed tower and podium facade re-cladding. Granted

14/00947/H & 00943/LA - 3 Windsor Terrace

Remove staircase from ground floor balcony and replace with link to existing stone staircase. Create fully-glazed enclosed floor space to the rear. Pending consideration

14/00018/F - Daisychain Nursery, 1 Clifton Park

Proposed detached assembly hall and office accommodated within part single/part two storey building. Revisions to existing playground area and provision of storage area at basement level. New steps from upper basement level. Granted

*** 14/01950/F - Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Berkeley Place

New teaching block with associated access and landscaping, including demolition of existing ATC hut. Pending consideration

14/01804/CP - Victoria Pumping Station, Oakfield Road

Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for the proposed temporary removal of a brick wall to provide access to Victoria Pumping Station during construction works to carry out internal alterations in the Pumping Station building. Upon completion, the wall will be reinstated to the original state and where appropriate repaired. Pending consideration

14/02041/F - Flat 6, 16 Royal Crescent

New free-standing summer house erected to rear garden. Application wihdrawn

14/02090/F & 02091/LA - Beacon House, Queen's Road

Change of use and subdivision of the ground floor front of Beacon House to provide Use Class A1/A3 (156 sq m) A1/A2 (60 sq m) and sui generis (140.8 sq m) The change of use of the upper ground floor sales rear area to sui generis (728.8 sq m). Listed building consent for internal alterations. CAP welcomed the proposal to re use the building. Pending consideration

*** 14/02430/F - Bottelino's New Heights, Clifton Pavilion, 85 Queen's Road

Proposed alterations in the shop front, demolition of stone archway and creation of external seating for customers with associated external alteration. Refused

14/02366/F - Land on North Side of Belgrave Hill

Proposed development of 2 use class C3 dwellings with associated external works. Pending consideration

14/02503/LA - Penrose Cottage, Clifton Down

Reduction in height of previously altered chimney. Granted

14/02618/F - Oakfield Store, 34 Oakfield Grove

Change of use application for ground floor from A1 shop to 2 bed flat. Pending consideration

*** 14/02500/F - 70 Pembroke Road

Proposed off street parking with access on to All Saints Road. Pending decision

*** 14/01843/F - flat 2, 13 Royal Park

Conversion of front garden into two parking spaces. Application withdrawn

*** 14/02483/F & 02484/LA - Litfield House Medical Centre

Removal of existing undercroft and planting area above to create new vehicle access to site from Camp Hill Road for new staff parking. Pending consideration

*** 14/01974/H - 15 Miles Road

Proposed off-street car parking area and creation of vehicular access to/from Miles Road. Application withdrawn

14/03327/FLX - Ground Floor, 58 Alma Vale Road

Notification of a change of use of the ground floor from retail to a café commencing on 1 August 2014 under Class D of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order - as amended) Development permitted

*** 14/03172/F - 57 Alma Road

Relocation of 2 stone piers and the erection of 1 stone pier- creation of vehicular access. Pending consideration


*** 14/03433/F - Royal Oak, 50 The Mall

New window and doors to front elevation, extension to the rear elevation and a change of use on upper floors from manager's accommodation to private dining zones, external extractor flue and enclosed hoist to rear elevation.

14/03510/F - Avon Gorge Hotel

Retention of pergola erected for weddings within the grounds.

*** 14/03624/X - Engineers House, Clifton Down

Variation of condition no 1 planning permission 08/01524/F and 13/02388/X to extend the life of the temporary arrangements for a further 12 months.

14/03685/H - 51 Canynge Road

Demolition of existing single storey garage building housing 4 single garages and construction of new single storey double garage and 2 storey building housing ancillary accommodation to main house.

*** 14/03697/F - 2-16 Clifton Down Road

Demolition of existing building and redevelopment of site comprising of temporary ice rink and associated uses.

14/0354/H & 03542/LA - 1 Worcester Terrace

Construction of two storey extension for utility space and new en suite

14/03711/CPLB - Brunel Swing/Swivel Bridge, Merchants Road, Hotwells

Application for a Certificate of Proposed Development (Listed Building) - proposed works to give greater protection to the structure and prepare for future works to restore the bridge.

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