Clifton and Hotwells
Improvement Society (CHIS)

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Buckingham Place
Buckingham Place and beyond



This list also helps you navigate around the site and shows you how much we do, and how frequently we update our information:
  1. About CHIS
  2. News- supplements our quarterly newsletter by broadcasting up to the minute happenings (updated 8 Oct 2015)
  3. Events and Walks (updated 25 September 2015)
  4. Achievements over the last 45 years and AGM reports from 2004,
    Millennium and other projects (updated 1 December 2013), including
  5. Planning
  6. Licensing (updated 24 October 2015) applications in BS8
  7. Streetscape both good and bad of all kinds (updated 21 August 2015).
  8. Refuse, Pollution and noise (updated 28 October 2015)
  9. Security (updated 9 October 2013)
  10. Parking and Traffic (updated 3 October 2015)
  11. Nature, Landscape and Environment (updated 11 September 2015)
  12. Clifton and Cabot Neighbourhood Partnership. New. Also includes Clifton Neighbourhood Forum. (updated 10 September 2015)
  13. Archive- Books, pictures and how to get maps of Clifton (updated 13 Nov 2014)
  14. Maps of Clifton shows where are, and the large special area we cover NEW (updated 10 October 2013)
  15. CHIS pictures and news of the Suspension Bridge NEW (updated 1 June 2015)
  16. Web statistics (updated 10 October 2012).
  17. Membership- how to apply, minimum of only £10 per household per annum (£15 for organisations)!
  18. Useful links (updated 8 October 2013)
Any comments about any of these pages to
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