Clifton and Hotwells
Improvement Society (CHIS)

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Sue and Jon Goodland
It only seems a couple of months ago that we were sitting at the computer wondering what to include in the CHIS annual report. They (whoever they are) say the older you get the quicker time flies. How true that comment has become!

Like us, the Society is getting older and, thankfully, still flourishing. CHIS has a strong and dedicated membership with just under 1,000 members, representing 675 households and organisations, mainly within the BS8 area, although we do have a fair number of stalwart members who have left the area but are still keen to support the Society. The even better news is that CHIS has been able to attract another 42 members this past year due to the hard work of both committee and Society members.

Like all good organisations, we need not only support from members but also regular subscriptions. This year, despite a reminder in the newsletter, we had to send 65 individual letters to those members who had forgotten to renew their annual membership on 5 May 2004. It sounds like a record, or should I say CD, repeating itself; would you please put a note in your diary to pay your subscription on that memorable date 5 MAY. Why not make life even easier and go with the crowd and pay by banker’s order?

The Society really appreciates its members’ support and without it would quite simply not exist.

Banker’s order forms can be obtained from your membership secretaries Sue and Jon Goodland, 63 Downs Park East, Westbury Park, Bristol, BS6 7QG, telephone number 0117 962 8932.

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