Clifton and Hotwells
Improvement Society (CHIS)

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The Avon Gorge and Downs Wildlife Project

Avon Gorge and Downs Project
Richard Bland
squirrel shrew

Downs news What's Happening

150 years young

Why not Join The Friends of the Downs and Gorge. Individual or family membership is available for £10 per household. Contact Robin Haward at

Brief summary of Draft Downs Management Plan.

There will be a five year rolling plan based on six themes of Enjoyment, Events, Access, Landscape and Wildlife, Antisocial Behaviour, which will be reviewed and updated annually.
The aim is to fit into the Bristol Parks plan for parks that are Safe, Accessible, Clean, Attractive, and are good for Wildlife. The management will seek a Green Flag award from the Civic Trust.
There is a separate English Nature Management Plan for the Gorge, (which overlaps with the Downs in several areas) which should be linked to this plan. There is also a plan for the Iron Age fort, involving progressive removal of scrub and trees, and interpretation. It is intended to standardise furniture, and fencing, to look at signage, litter bins, seating, road crossings, control of grass parking, deal with running track.
It is proposed to bring management in house, to maintain and develop The Gorge and Downs Project, and to seek additional funding. (The annual cost is £221,000, income £75,000). It is intended to establish a Friends organisation as a single group representing the present 31 stakeholders, and have volunteers for monitoring, research, tree wardens, wardening. The plan seeks to improve information, and enforce Bye Laws.
The first year priorities are to examine and propose solutions to following;- Further information is available at and click on The Downs

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